
A Prize and Pondering Priorities

December 08, 2023

What I'm Listening To

'The echoes in my head they rhyme…'

Story From The Week

A few weeks ago, I left a glowing review on Apple Podcasts for one of my favorite shows, hoping to catch the host's attention and secure a spot in her selected reviewers' list for an upcoming prize draw. The prize: a book by Laura Belgray called Tough Titties.

I tuned in with anticipation to her Friday show to hear the winners, and to my surprise… I was one of the lucky winners! The book arrived at my doorstep with a hand written note days later, and I am obsessed. Tough Titties has been described as “one big permission slip to be a dork, a sometimes-unspiritual slacker, a late bloomer and, ultimately, 100% yourself.”

Unlike Laura, I'm typically a go-getter and rule-follower. Yet, her stories resonate with the part of me that often feels lost and uncertain. Belgray's narrative, filled with cringe-worthy yet relatable experiences, serves as a comedic reminder that it's okay to break the rules society sets for us.

I may be on a path of ambition and structure most of the time, but just like Laura, I find solace in the chaos of not having it all figured out. Comparisons to others and the constant quest for direction are familiar struggles, and Tough Titties encourages me to embrace the unconventional journey. I highly recommend it if you’re looking for a snort-laugh-inducing memoir and the permission to do things your own way.

What Did I Learn?

On Tuesday this week, I attended an online conference for tech leaders. One of the speakers, Kelly Jura delved into the intriguing intersection of User Experience and Employee Experience, a concept unfamiliar to me before her presentation. I found her unique perspective on enhancing the employee journey through the adoption of a user experience mindset insightful and inspiring.

During her talk, Kelly shared compelling survey results about the evolving landscape since the onset of the pandemic. In 2019, 74% of employees felt energized at work. Fast forward to 2022, and that number dipped to 63%. Similarly, the statistics around employee burnout were telling — 63% were at risk in 2019, a figure that skyrocketed to 81% in 2022. Yikes.

Kelly's proposed solution to elevate the employee experience involves tapping into the expertise of UX designers. By leveraging tools such as user personas and journey maps tailored for employees, she advocates for a thoughtful approach that promotes positive EX.

What Made Me Confused...

“How do we prioritize the features in our product backlog?” I asked our product manager last week. While I assumed factors like level of effort, business objectives, and customer demand played a role, I wanted a deeper understanding of the decision-making process. What did it truly entail?

In response, my product manager extended an invitation to the meetings where these crucial decisions unfold. Eager to immerse myself, I attended the first of three meetings on Monday. As one inclined toward self-preservation, the experience proved to be as daunting as I had anticipated. The sales team passionately discussed customer demands and dissected the business significance of specific integrations, while I sat silently observing behind my turned-off camera, grappling with the question of whether I would ever gather the product knowledge needed to actively contribute to these conversations...

An Interesting Link From The Internet

Check out this nifty component gallery.