Leisurely (Muggy) Mornings
September 22, 2023
What I'm Listening To
'I just wanna grow, grow, grow...'
Story From The Week
I tend to start my work day around 7:30a. This isn’t by choice, necessarily. My body has decided to prepare for grandparenthood early, so my brain takes a siesta in the afternoon and is ready for a full night of sleep by 9p. I wish I were exaggerating.
Anyways, I usually spend my mornings before work running, working out, or reading. However, this week, I met a friend for coffee almost every day. As a result, I started work a bit later (around 9 AM with the rest of the world), and I was pleasantly surprised by the positive effect that sharing a few laughs over cafe au laits had on me!
I expected to feel stressed by not being online before the sun was up or seeing Slack messages pop up while I was still enjoying my coffee. But to my surprise, I wasn't nearly as anxious as I had imagined. Instead, I felt energized as I sat down at my computer, and my brain was still firing on at least some of its cylinders by 2p.
It was a refreshing change of pace to spend my mornings with friends, reminding myself that my life is more than just work. While I don't see myself spending $7.05 on steamed milk and drip coffee every day, this week was a sweet reminder that a slow morning with good company can do wonders for my well-being.
What Did I Learn?
I’m reading a coming of age story that feels like a cross between Girls and How I Met Your Mother? called Who We Are Now. As I was reading one evening, I came across the word, ennui. I looked up the definition and realized I was already familiar with the meaning, but not the spelling.
Am I the only one who reads ennui as “in-new-y” and not “an-wee”?
Well, now I know.
What Made Me Confused...
It’s September in Austin, Texas, and the weather app on my iPhone currently says it feels like 102 degrees outside, which is about accurate. I’d argue it might even feel hotter.
I got in my car earlier this week and after typing in my destination’s address to Apple maps, the app told me that my selected route could be affected by “an excessive heat warning.”
What does that even mean?? Is the road melted or something?
I’m happy to say that I cautiously made my way across town without falling through the asphalt to the Earth’s core, and I even cherished the seasonal shift in foliage that usually comes at this time of year… which upon closer inspection, turned out to be merely the yellowed leaves from trees succumbing to the sweltering heat.